Kilmurry Community Planning Group needs your help…


Tell us what YOU think

Local volunteers from Kilmurry are leading a community planning process for the community and we want to hear what YOU, the residents of the area, think;
what do you like about living here, what don’t you like, and how might life be improved?

We have prepared a survey on the link below and We’re asking you to think about the questions , talk about them with family, friends, neighbours and then give us your thoughts. We encourage residents – of ALL ages – to participate and we ask parents/guardians to support their children to complete a survey.
Paper copies of the survey are located at Kilmurry Hall, Kilmurry Church, Kilmurry National School and the Pumphouse Bar. Completed surveys should be returned to the secure boxes at these locations also.

The survey is completely anonymous and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. We particularly encourage people with social media or IT access to complete the survey on-line.

The online link, which will take one directly to the survey is:

Check out or visit the Facebook page to find this link online.

to find this link online.

The deadline for completing this survey is Friday 8th of November.

We will feed back the results of our consultation to the community in due course and we will hold further local conversations on the issues identified.

Involvement in this project is open to everyone so if you would like to become involved please email expressing your interest or visit for further details

Thank you
Kilmurry Community Planning Group