Teereen Loch – Area Gathering 2010

Again, it would not be easy to describe the Spirit of
togetherness so evident as last Wednesday evenings’ Friends & Neighbours Area Gathering. This was our 16th and ranks with the best. It is worth emphasising that the secret to the success was, once again, the enthusiastic
involvement of the local people. In the weeks leading up to the event they worked. They prepared the site, cleared a marvellous stone altar, opened the wall, lit up the side of the lake, prepared cakes, sandwiches, boilers, fires.
They went back into history.

The site itself on the shores of Teereen Loch, overladen with trees could be described as a little bit of Heaven. The Mass connected us to what the evening was about.
We emphasised the importance of the local and need for social, cultural and economic reasons to return to the local. We have bought in to the global – easy movement of people, ideas, trade across the world but at the expense of local relationships, local resources, local talent etc.

Our young musicians, once again, reminded us of the talent on our doorstep. The gifts at the Mass represented local resources and resourcefulness. The history recalling people, places, stories connected us to our past. The chat, the cup of tea, the spread of food, the gathering around the fire into the dark of night, the music and song made it very special.

The comment we heard most often was ‘there is a huge appetite for this.’ And there is.

Thanks again to all who made it so worthwhile.